damage_simulation module¶
(tree, ghg_levels, peak_temp, disaster_tail, tip_on, temp_map, temp_dist_params, maxh, cons_growth)[source]¶ Bases:
Simulation of damages for the EZ-Climate model.
The damage function simulation is a key input into the pricing engine. Damages are represented in arrays of dimension n x p, where n = num states and p = num periods. The arrays are created by Monte Carlo simulation. Each array specifies for each state and time period a damage coefficient.
Up to a point, the Monte Carlo follows Pindyck (2012) ‘Uncertain Outcomes and Climate Change Policy’:
- There is a gamma distribution for temperature
- There is a gamma distribution for economic impact (conditional on temperature)
However, in addition, this program adds a probability of a tipping point (conditional on temperature). This probability is a decreasing function of the parameter peak_temp, conditional on a tipping point. Damage itself is a decreasing function of the parameter disaster_tail.
Parameters: - tree (TreeModel object) – tree structure used
- ghg_levels (ndarray or list) – end GHG level for each path
- peak_temp (float) – tipping point parameter
- disaster_tail (float) – curvature of tipping point
- tip_on (bool) – flag that turns tipping points on or off
- temp_map (int) –
mapping from GHG to temperature
- 0: implies Pindyck displace gamma
- 1: implies Wagner-Weitzman normal
- 2: implies Roe-Baker
- 3: implies user-defined normal
- 4: implies user-defined gamma
- temp_dist_params (ndarray or list) – if temp_map is either 3 or 4, user needs to define the distribution parameters
- maxh (float) – time paramter from Pindyck which indicates the time it takes for temp to get half way to its max value for a given level of ghg
- cons_growth (float) – yearly growth in consumption
¶ TreeModel object – tree structure used
¶ ndarray or list – end GHG level for each path
¶ float – tipping point parameter
¶ float – curvature of tipping point
¶ bool – flag that turns tipping points on or off
¶ int – mapping from GHG to temperature
¶ ndarray or list – if temp_map is either 3 or 4, user needs to define the distribution parameters
¶ float – time paramter from Pindyck which indicates the time it takes for temp to get half way to its max value for a given level of ghg
¶ float – yearly growth in consumption
¶ ndarray – simulated damages
(draws, write_to_file=True)[source]¶ Create damage function values in ‘p-period’ version of the Summers - Zeckhauser model.
Parameters: - draws (int) – number of samples drawn in Monte Carlo simulation.
- write_to_file (bool, optional) – wheter to save simulated values
Returns: 3D-array of simulated damages
Return type: ndarray
Raises: ValueError
– If temp_map is not in the interval 0-4.Note
Uses the